Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'll Pray For You

I'll pray for you or I'm praying for you are very common statements from many professing Christians. What I would like to know is what does it really mean? What does it mean to you when you say it to someone who is struggling with a situation in their life? What do you expect it to mean when someone says it to you when you are the one struggling with a situation in your life?

Do we really mean it, do we go home and get on our knees so to speak before God and honestly pray for Him to work in their life in their situation in a way only He can, or do we more often than not say it as a passing comment to avoid doing anything to really try and help.

I'm not saying that prayer is not important, as I believe it is a crucial aspect of a relationship with God. I think it is the attitude in which the statements “I'll pray for you” and “I'm praying for you” are said that is important. If it is said sincerely and acted upon accordingly then there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. In fact I believe prayer is very important and having fellow believers who can pray with you and is very beneficial.

What will you do today?