Thursday, July 21, 2011

God Is Excellent

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. Psalm 8:1

Do we really appreciate how excellent our heavenly father is? Do we comprehend all that he does for us as his children? Does the glory of God intimidate you? 

God doesn't want his children to have an earthly fear of his excellence. He does however want us to live our lives with a holy reverence for his majestic greatness.

Even as Christians we can be caught out complaining about circumstances that haven't gone the way we would like them to. How often in times of despair do we stop to praise God in all his glory knowing that he knows what's best for us and will work all things to His glory. 

Let us come to God with a heart of praise and thanksgiving at all times! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

God Is Great

For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Psalm 86:10

God's greatness is uncontainable. He is so very powerful and amazing. His love for his children is incredible.

God is capable of doing so many wondrous deeds. He alone created heaven and earth. He doesn't need our help to be great or to do wondrous things.

God loves us so very much that he gave mankind dominion over all other creatures.

Thankyou Lord Jesus that you are great and do wondrous things.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

God Is Powerful

But to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 1 Corinthians 1:24

God Is Powerful, what does it mean to be powerful? Most of the time when we think of power we think of corruption.

God's power however is not a corrupt power. His power is pure.

To be united with Christ, is to be united with the power and wisdom of God. We all need God's power and wisdom working through our lives each and every day. Without the power of Christ we are nothing and unable to accomplish anything.

God's power is also a power of love. God loves his children dearly and he chooses to impart his wisdom to those he has called his beloved.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

God Is Good

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!
1 Chronicles 16:24

God is amazingly good. In all that we do, he is always there right beside us guiding us. Often His goodness is easily overlooked as we continue with the busyness of our days.

God loves us so very much and desires for us to share his goodness with the world around us in all that we do.

I know I want God's goodness to radiate out of me more and more. God help us to become a beacon of your unfailing goodness.

How marvelous are his works. He created not only you and me, but all that we can see and even the things we cannot see.

It only takes a moment to look around and find something God created to be grateful for and to marvel at.
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