Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Life Goes On

Apparently life is still continuing all around me...Well of course it is. For the past month my life has been in severe turmoil, as my mother has been in hospital and is now extremely ill. She went in to have some relatively routine tests that haven't happened due to her condition deteriorating so rapidly.

Despite all of this going on, life must continue as I have a 3 and a half month old and a husband to look after, not to mention the housework that needs doing an apparently as I have recently found out, you need to eat to keep functioning.

We have wonderful friends who have been only a phone call away, who have helped to keep us sane by cooking us meals, helping to clean our house and babysit our beautiful little boy.

There are days I wonder where God is in all of this as if you know my family it seems to be one drama after another, just when we seem to be getting over something another crises lands in our lives.

But God is a God of love, peace and mercy right, He wouldn't wish a bad thing to happen to one of his children, so it must be Satan causing all the bad things in life right? Wrong, we live in a fallen world, one with sin and sickness, hurt and pain. Sure there are times where I look at my life and I want to blame Satan for all that goes wrong but that would be immature of me to do so.

We all need God, we all need His love and grace and never ending mercy and thats just to get through the day let alone eternity. I know I wont and don't always understand why things happen the way they do and yes I can and do keep praying for miracles in my life and the lives of those I love, but sometimes God works in mysterious and wonderful ways that we don't always understand or like at the time of the events happening in our lives but does it mean that if we don't get the miracle or our prayers are not answered the way we want them to be that we will give up on God? I hope not, I know I won't.

God is bigger than any circumstance in our lives and he is the author and creator of the world and everything in it! He requires us to love him and serve him with all that we have.

I am willing and ready are you?

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